
By |2012-10-17T19:43:05+01:00October 17th, 2012|WOD|

WOD A. Power clean tech B. 7min amrap 30 double unders 3 power cleans (singles) 80/55kg 1 jerk Tonight there is no 19.15 WOD, it will be mobility instead, come along, take part and learn how to look after yourself! This Sunday, DWF qualifiers, registration starts at 0900, please be prompt, this is sure to be a fun day with plenty of events for everyone of all abilities.  Please do not think you are not ready to compete, we have scaled options and it is geared for all to take part until the final event!

WOD Wednesday 17th October ’12

By |2012-10-16T20:32:30+01:00October 16th, 2012|WOD|

WOD Black Box - Come in and find out! Thursday - 19.15 - mobility with Jonny, this class will run instead of the WOD.  It will focus on the lower body so come in and learn how to work on all those aches and pains you are carrying!  £3 per person. Sunday - 0900 - Registration and doors open for a day of competition at CrossFit Glasgow!  Please make it in before 10.00 as the first event will have started and you will have missed your chance to take part in the comp.

WOD Tuesday 16th October ’12

By |2012-10-15T22:10:55+01:00October 15th, 2012|WOD|

WOD A. 3-3-3-3-3 front Squat -pause at the bottom of each rep B. For time: 21-15-9 KB swing 32/24 Goblet squat 32/24 -after every set do a block run Tonight - 8pm - Olympic lifting with Ray, he is a Commonwealth Games competitor and currently coaches a number of British champions and promising Scottish lifters.  Everyone should try this class at least once as it is the quickest way to improve your Olympic lifts. Thursday - 19.15 - mobility with Jonny from PhysioEffect, the focus this week will be on the lower body, come in and learn how to sort out those tight spots in your legs and help your squat with immediate effect. Saturday - 11.00 - girls WOD. Sunday - DWF qualifications!  Be at the gym bright and early (9.00) and be ready to compete, this is a good chance for everyone to try their hand in a CrossFit competition amongst friends.  It will wrap up by late afternoon and begins with movements everyone is capable of completing.  If you don't plan on competing then stop by and help out / support athletes.

WOD Monday 15th October ’12

By |2012-10-14T17:35:31+01:00October 14th, 2012|WOD|

WOD A. 4 sets of max strict pull ups / ring rows - if you fail to do less than 4 reps on any set add 3 negatives to the attempt. Post total pull ups (not negatives) to comments. B. 3 rounds for time: 10 burpee box jumps 24/20 10 toes to bar (or toes to somewhere close to bar) October 21st we have a competition to decide our second DWF team.  It is open to all and does not have to include those that want to try out for the team, we hope everyone has a shot as many of you have never competed before in CrossFit.  The event will start at 9am on Sunday and will finish at a reasonable hour in the late afternoon.  If you are interested in taking part please make yourself known as we would like to get a feel for numbers.  For those wanting to compete at Divided We Fall, you must compete this day and earn your place! Tuesday 8pm: Olympic lifting is on with Ray, come in and be drilled on the two most technical lifts in CrossFit!  There isn't a member at the gym who wouldn't benefit from this class.  Cost: £6 a time. Thursday 19.15 is Jonny's mobility class and there will be no WOD on at this time.  It costs just £3 a time, come in and learn your way around a foam roller, resistance band and pain mobility ball! Saturday is girls WOD at 11am. Sunday is the [...]

Saturday – Limited Opening Hours

By |2012-10-12T18:16:23+01:00October 12th, 2012|Information|

Tomorrow we will be open for a shortened period of time, an open gym will operate from 9-11 and doors will shut soon after.  All are welcome to come along and try a WOD from earlier in the week or one of the infamous girls found here

WOD Friday 12th October 2012

By |2012-10-11T22:52:59+01:00October 11th, 2012|WOD|

For Time: Row 1000m 15 - 10 - 5 Power Cleans (62.5/42.5) & Ring Dips Regrettably we may have to cancel Saturday morning's WOD times due to staff training - watch this space. Team WOD will be on as normal on Sunday. The DWF qualifiers are looming ever closer. There is still some time left to get a T-shirt order in to support your team and look like a BAMF doing it. Do not hesitate to sign up for the B team qualifiers: two separate comps will run allowing scaled and unscaled competitors to battle for supremacy in a fun and supportive atmosphere.

WOD Thursday 11th October 2012

By |2012-10-10T22:21:20+01:00October 10th, 2012|WOD|

A. Snatch technique Position drills  B. (Power) Isabel 30x Power snatch for time This should be scaled appropriately. I can't stress this enough. There is no 19.15 WOD today. Jonny Kilpatrick of Physio Effect will be running a mobility session at this time every Thursday from now on. Get your name down for a  DWF tee shirt ASAP. The order will be going in tomorrow. We'll check Facebook, e-mail, texts and the whiteboards prior to ordering and if it's not in by then, you'll miss out. Also, sign up to the B team qualifiers, programming is being finalised for the day and all will have a chance to experience the atmosphere of a real competition. Steph Dekker will be running her strength for female athletes class on Sunday morning at 09.30 and team WOD will commence at 11am.

WOD Wed 10th October 2012

By |2012-10-09T22:11:23+01:00October 9th, 2012|WOD|

"Fight Gone Bad" (Sort of) Move from each station after a minute. The five movements make up a five-minute round after which there is a one minute break. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. Wall-ball: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps) Kettlebell Swings: 24/16kg (Reps) Box Jump: 20" box (Reps) Push-press: 20/15kg (Reps) Row: calories (Calories) The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. Standards for those interested: Intermediate: M 250 F 200 Advanced: M 300 F 265 Elite: M 400 F 350 Divided We Fall: Team B Qualifiers 21st Oct Sign up with a coach for the DWF qualifiers on the 21st. All are welcome to compete: The WODs will get progressively more technically and physically demanding as the day goes on but all will be able to take part to a greater or lesser extent. If you are injured there will be scaling options but you won't be eligible for team selection if you scale. Graphic artist and Parkour Ninja Omercan Cirit has produced a design for a limited edition DWF Tee Shirt: place your order on the whiteboard - all profits support the team on their way to Swansea. Anyone travelling to Swansea should get a shirt to be a part of CFG's "Big Red Wall".

WOD Tuesday 09/09/2012

By |2012-10-08T22:03:11+01:00October 8th, 2012|WOD|

C. Max Double Unders Unbroken(3x attempts) B. 3-3-3 Overhead Squat C. Run 800m 3-6-9 Thrusters 62.5/42.5 TTB/K2E Run 800m Olympic Lifting is on tonight with Ray, Haris and Colette to refine your technique in the Olympic Lifts. Anyone taking part in the qualifiers for DWF would greatly benefit from these sessions. Please register your interest for the limited edition CFG Divided We Fall T-shirt in the box.

WOD Monday 8th October

By |2012-10-07T19:00:51+01:00October 7th, 2012|WOD|

A. Accumulate time in one of the following positions: a) 1x minute free handstand b) 2 minutes handstand against wall c) 3 minutes headstand against wall B. Capacity Test 500m Row 40 Air Squats 30 Sit Ups 20 Push Ups 10 Pull Ups (Pull ups may be subbed for jumping pull ups with full extension of the arm - no bands) Thanks to Thames CrossFit, London for the above WOD. Thames CF set this workout as a test of baseline ability for their CrossFit Athletes and this will serve as an opportunity to see where your level of basic skill and fitness lies. Mobility to follow. Beginner: M 7.00 F7.30 Intermediate:  M 5.40 F 6.30 Advanced: M 4.30 F 5.35 Elite: M 3.55 F 4.40 Olympic Lifting will be on tomorrow night at 8. The staff that take these sessions are literally the best in the country: make sure you attend.

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