
WOD 05 October 2012

By |2012-10-04T23:12:34+01:00October 4th, 2012|WOD|

Happy Birthday Laura H! A. 5 Minute AMRAP of Double Unders B. For time: 1 deadlift - 1 power clean -1 jerk 75/50 2 deadlifts - 2 power cleans - 2 jerks 3 deadlifts - 3 power cleans - 3 jerks 4 deadlifts - 4 power cleans -4 jerks 5 deadlifts - 5 power cleans - 5 jerks block run 5 to 1 reps deadlift / power clean / jerk 75/50 Girls' WOD will go ahead tomorrow at 11am, could all gents please vacate the premises by that time unless providing transport for their other half. Team WOD will go down on Sunday from 11am. Get your name up on the board if you are interested in a DWF limited edition tee shirt - profits will go toward the teams competing in Swansea. We will start taking names for the B team qualifiers from Monday. Regardless of ability or aspirations toward competition, come and show your support for your fellow athletes. It's a great chance to get a taste of competitive CrossFit and promises to be a good day for all of the community.

WOD Thursday 4th Oct ’12

By |2012-10-03T19:18:57+01:00October 3rd, 2012|WOD|

WOD A. Snatch drills - sit in the catch position for 3sec before standing up. B. For time: 21 thrusters 50/35 3min double unders 21 thrusters 50/35 Post time and double unders to comments. There is no 19.15 WOD tonight, Jonny is offering a mobility class in it's place.  This is open to all and costs just £3.  We are looking to make this a regular class and more details will be available at the class tomorrow.  If you have never attended one of these classes before, make an effort to get along to this one. On behalf of all the staff and members of CFG we would just like to welcome Tino back from Invictus.  He is only back for a few weeks but you will likely find him in the gym back in his usual spot, the couch!

WOD Wednesday 3rd Oct ’12

By |2012-10-02T22:02:52+01:00October 2nd, 2012|WOD|

WOD Team AMRAP: 30cal row 25 kb swings 24/16 25 Wallballs 20/14 25 HRPU 30 walking lunges Block run Tomorrow night (Thursday) Jonny will be running his mobility sessions in place of the WOD at 19.15. Class costs just £3 and is a must for all members. It teaches you all how to identify and target those tight muscles which cause poor movement range and how to recognise issues before they become injuries. This weekend: Saturday 11am girls wod. Sunday: 9am girls strength wod. 11am team wod with a Parkour twist! Come in and learn skills like bar muscle ups and hand balancing!

WOD Tuesday 2nd October 2012

By |2012-10-01T23:06:23+01:00October 1st, 2012|CFG Spartans Weightlifting Club|

Black Box Come on down and see what we have in store for you. Olympic lifting goes ahead tonight with some of the finest instruction on the Olympic lifts available in the UK from Ray Cavanagh, Haris Ansari and Colette Will: 2 UK number ones for their categories and a former Commonwealth Games athlete: if you have not already attended, why not? Jonny Kilpatrick of Physio Effect will be running a mobility WOD instead of the 19.15 class on Thursday night and will cover a range of mobilisation techniques that will enable you to maximise range of motion, minimise joint impingement and reduce the negative effects of repeated training sessions. The girls WOD will go ahead this saturday conditioning our female athletes for competition and strength and covering skills not routinely encountered by the fairer sex. Sunday sees the return of the Parkour team WOD: functional fitness set in a dynamic team-based format. The gym will be running open qualifiers for the second team for the Divided We Fall competition in Swansea on the 21st of October. It will be an all day event costing £6 per competitor with all funds going toward supporting our teams at the comp. Even if you have no aspirations toward competing at DWF or if you feel that you are not yet at that standard, it is worthwhile for everyone to take part and get a sense of the community and of a real competition. The DWF first team were selected on the basis of their skills base [...]

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