Black Box

Come on down and see what we have in store for you.

Olympic lifting goes ahead tonight with some of the finest instruction on the Olympic lifts available in the UK from Ray Cavanagh, Haris Ansari and Colette Will: 2 UK number ones for their categories and a former Commonwealth Games athlete: if you have not already attended, why not?

Jonny Kilpatrick of Physio Effect will be running a mobility WOD instead of the 19.15 class on Thursday night and will cover a range of mobilisation techniques that will enable you to maximise range of motion, minimise joint impingement and reduce the negative effects of repeated training sessions.

The girls WOD will go ahead this saturday conditioning our female athletes for competition and strength and covering skills not routinely encountered by the fairer sex.

Sunday sees the return of the Parkour team WOD: functional fitness set in a dynamic team-based format.

The gym will be running open qualifiers for the second team for the Divided We Fall competition in Swansea on the 21st of October. It will be an all day event costing £6 per competitor with all funds going toward supporting our teams at the comp. Even if you have no aspirations toward competing at DWF or if you feel that you are not yet at that standard, it is worthwhile for everyone to take part and get a sense of the community and of a real competition.

The DWF first team were selected on the basis of their skills base and their consistent performance in WODs over the past year. The athletes are as follows:

Ben Farrell

John ‘Fitzi’ Fitzpatrick

Santino Marini

Steph Campbell

Stephanie Dekker

Kim Puschman