CrossFit Total

3 Attempts to reach a Single Rep Maximum (1RM) in the following lifts:

Strict Press

Back Squat



This WOD marks the start of the retest phase for the Paleo Spartans. We will have your previous scores to hand when you come down so that you’ll know how much you’ve improved. Get in and give it your all, this is what you’ve been working for.

CrossFit Glasgow has been given the go ahead from SWL to host the 2012 Scottish Weightlifting Open. This is a major event on the British Weightlifting calendar with both Olympic and Commonwealth Games athletes likely to make an appearance. If you wish to compete this year please make sure that you affiliate through the CFG Spartans Weightlifting Club and collect an application form for the competition itself. If you feel that you are not yet up to scratch on your Olympic lifts then make sure you attend this week’s coaching session on Tuesday night at 8pm.

Jonny’s mobility classes continue this week with more structured torture for the inflexible, and the Conditioning for Parkour classes will go ahead as normal on Thursday. These classes are filling up rapidly so get your names up on the board to avoid disappointment.

There are now 45 members of the box signed up to the Games Open. If you have not already done so, please get involved as soon as possible since this represents an excellent opportunity to test your mettle against CrossFitters the world over. What do you have to lose?