A. Accumulate time in one of the following positions:

a) 1x minute free handstand b) 2 minutes handstand against wall c) 3 minutes headstand against wall

B. Capacity Test

500m Row
40 Air Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups

(Pull ups may be subbed for jumping pull ups with full extension of the arm – no bands)

Thanks to Thames CrossFit, London for the above WOD. Thames CF set this workout as a test of baseline ability for their CrossFit Athletes and this will serve as an opportunity to see where your level of basic skill and fitness lies. Mobility to follow.

Beginner: M 7.00 F7.30

Intermediate:  M 5.40 F 6.30

Advanced: M 4.30 F 5.35

Elite: M 3.55 F 4.40

Olympic Lifting will be on tomorrow night at 8. The staff that take these sessions are literally the best in the country: make sure you attend.