A. 3-3-3-3-3 front Squat
-pause at the bottom of each rep
B. For time:
KB swing 32/24
Goblet squat 32/24
-after every set do a block run

Tonight – 8pm – Olympic lifting with Ray, he is a Commonwealth Games competitor and currently coaches a number of British champions and promising Scottish lifters.  Everyone should try this class at least once as it is the quickest way to improve your Olympic lifts.

Thursday – 19.15 – mobility with Jonny from PhysioEffect, the focus this week will be on the lower body, come in and learn how to sort out those tight spots in your legs and help your squat with immediate effect.

Saturday – 11.00 – girls WOD.

SundayDWF qualifications!  Be at the gym bright and early (9.00) and be ready to compete, this is a good chance for everyone to try their hand in a CrossFit competition amongst friends.  It will wrap up by late afternoon and begins with movements everyone is capable of completing.  If you don’t plan on competing then stop by and help out / support athletes.