A. 4 sets of max strict pull ups / ring rows

– if you fail to do less than 4 reps on any set add 3 negatives to the attempt.

Post total pull ups (not negatives) to comments.

B. 3 rounds for time:

10 burpee box jumps 24/20

10 toes to bar (or toes to somewhere close to bar)

October 21st we have a competition to decide our second DWF team.  It is open to all and does not have to include those that want to try out for the team, we hope everyone has a shot as many of you have never competed before in CrossFit.  The event will start at 9am on Sunday and will finish at a reasonable hour in the late afternoon.  If you are interested in taking part please make yourself known as we would like to get a feel for numbers.  For those wanting to compete at Divided We Fall, you must compete this day and earn your place!

Tuesday 8pm: Olympic lifting is on with Ray, come in and be drilled on the two most technical lifts in CrossFit!  There isn’t a member at the gym who wouldn’t benefit from this class.  Cost: £6 a time.

Thursday 19.15 is Jonny’s mobility class and there will be no WOD on at this time.  It costs just £3 a time, come in and learn your way around a foam roller, resistance band and pain mobility ball!

Saturday is girls WOD at 11am.

Sunday is the DWF competition, come in nice and early, there will be no warm up and there will be no other WODs or classes on this day.