A. Snatch technique

Position drills

 B. (Power) Isabel

30x Power snatch for time

This should be scaled appropriately. I can’t stress this enough.

There is no 19.15 WOD today. Jonny Kilpatrick of Physio Effect will be running a mobility session at this time every Thursday from now on.

Get your name down for a  DWF tee shirt ASAP. The order will be going in tomorrow. We’ll check Facebook, e-mail, texts and the whiteboards prior to ordering and if it’s not in by then, you’ll miss out. Also, sign up to the B team qualifiers, programming is being finalised for the day and all will have a chance to experience the atmosphere of a real competition.

Steph Dekker will be running her strength for female athletes class on Sunday morning at 09.30 and team WOD will commence at 11am.