
WOD Monday 19th January ’15

By |2015-01-18T20:58:39+00:00January 18th, 2015|WOD|

Workout of the Day A. 1RM front squat B. 3x10 band assisted inverse curls C. 10min AMRAP 20 wallballs (aim for unbroken) 10 burpee box jumps Extra credit: 3x20 hollow rocks or 3x30 abmat sit ups Congratulations and a warm welcome to all who completed the Fundamentals over the weekend, our first one of 2015!  If you see a new face in the gym please be sure to introduce yourself and help them feel more comfortable during their first WOD. Congratulations also to coaches Steph and Nisha at this weekend's Athlete Games!  Both gave their all and represented true CFG spirit in the 2 day event at Manchester with Steph taking an amazing 3rd place finish!  Also well done to Craig Punton, another CrossFitter representing a Scottish box CrossFit Scotland  Tuesday - there is no 19.15 class, weightlifting will take it's place.  This costs just £3 per person and you do not need to be a member of CFG to attend the class. Thursday - there is both a 19.15 WOD and Olympic weightlifting on.  The WL class costs £3 again to attend. Saturday - 11.15 is CrossFit Kids and Girls WOD.

WOD Friday 16th January ’15

By |2015-01-15T18:47:43+00:00January 15th, 2015|WOD|

Workout of the Day A. 1RM push press B. 3x max reps ultra wide, thumbless strict pull-ups C. 3x10 (per arm) single arm kb row D. 7min Kalsu Work up to your rep max for the day and then for the accessory work you should get through it quickly and effectively, rest only 30-40 seconds between sets and if you're working in groups you should rotate almost constantly (except to add/reduce weight should it be required from person to person).  A coach will always be on hand to offer advice and monitor your form, if you can't do any of these movements easily then scale, a coach will help you. - Pull-ups: if you can't do more than 5 reps for each set then use a resistance band. - Single arm rows: move through a full range of motion with no twisting, loss of scapula - Kalsu: 7mins max thrusters 60/40kg.  Every minute on the minute do 5 burpees.  Start with 5 burpees.  Yes, more burpees today!  Score is your thrusters. Friday 30th of January CFG will be having another night of dance!  Jaimie Horne has kindly offered his time and expertise and will lead the session.  It will start at 18.30.  This means there will be no evening WODS on this day but please come along whatever time you can and feel free to bring some food and drink.  This was a fantastic community event last time so make an effort and get along! Friday 20th of February, just [...]

WOD Wednesday 14th January ’15

By |2015-01-13T21:34:41+00:00January 13th, 2015|WOD|

17.15 crushing the wall climbs Workout of the Day In teams : 30min AMRAP sled drag 2x 15m max distance row axle bar zercher hold - rotate station each time the person with the sled finishes. If working solo.  Sled walk for 30mins @20kg.

WOD Tuesday 13th January ’15

By |2015-01-12T20:45:11+00:00January 12th, 2015|WOD|

Workout of the Day A. 5x10 feet elevated press-ups B. Every 60s for 10mins do 2x wall climbs.  Nose and toes to wall, no legs. C. 7 min emom : 15 tuck crunches.  If you can't do tuck crunches either do hollow holds or abmat sit-ups. D. 6mins max burpees: every 3mins do a block run  

WOD Monday 12th January ’15

By |2015-01-11T20:23:02+00:00January 11th, 2015|WOD|

Workout of the Day A. 3RM good morning B. 3x 10 snatch grip deadlift C. 3x 20 dimmels D. 1000m row for time.   500m row for time.  250m row for time. This weekend is the Fundamentals, we have only a few spaces left so if you know anyone that wants to join in then have them get in touch soon.  If you are a member of CFG or ex-member of CFG and wanting to attend for a refresher then this is also the ideal opportunity. Tuesday 19.15 - Olympic weightlifting is on in place of the WOD.  This costs just £3 per person and you do not need to be a member of CFG to attend. Thursday 19.15 - there is weightlifting and a WOD on at the same time. This weekend Nisha and Steph travel to Manchester for The Athlete Games!  We will do our best to keep you updated on their progress.  As a result there will be no Girls WOD or CrossFit Kids this weekend.  

WOD Friday 9th January ’15

By |2015-01-08T20:44:55+00:00January 8th, 2015|WOD|

Workout of the Day A. 3RM bench press B. 3x10 wide grip bench C. 5 rounds for time: 5 hang power cleans 50/35 5 thrusters 5 bar jump burpees Extra credit: 100 banded tricep extensions

WOD Tuesday 6th January ’15

By |2015-01-05T20:33:04+00:00January 5th, 2015|WOD|

Workout of the Day A. 10min alternating emom: 2-8 power snatch (touch and go) 5-10 TTB B. Mobility Today is about familiarising yourself with a complex lift and a gymnastic movement.  Don't worry if you have never performed this lift before or cannot do a toes to bar, we will teach you all the necessary progressions and at the end work on the mobility to improve your position and posture.  These are movements that have been present in the Open each year and we want each of you to feel prepared.  Take the time to come in and learn. Tuesday - 19:15 - there is no WOD.  Weightlifting till take it's place.  This costs £3 and is taught by Colette and Louise. Thursday - 19:15 - there will be a WOD as well as weightlifting.  The price for the weightlifting class is just £3. Saturday - 11:15 - Girls WOD and CrossFit Kids.

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