Workout of the Day

A. 1RM front squat

B. 3×10 band assisted inverse curls

C. 10min AMRAP

20 wallballs (aim for unbroken)

10 burpee box jumps

Extra credit: 3×20 hollow rocks or 3×30 abmat sit ups

Congratulations and a warm welcome to all who completed the Fundamentals over the weekend, our first one of 2015!  If you see a new face in the gym please be sure to introduce yourself and help them feel more comfortable during their first WOD.

Congratulations also to coaches Steph and Nisha at this weekend’s Athlete Games!  Both gave their all and represented true CFG spirit in the 2 day event at Manchester with Steph taking an amazing 3rd place finish!  Also well done to Craig Punton, another CrossFitter representing a Scottish box CrossFit Scotland 

Tuesday – there is no 19.15 class, weightlifting will take it’s place.  This costs just £3 per person and you do not need to be a member of CFG to attend the class.

Thursday – there is both a 19.15 WOD and Olympic weightlifting on.  The WL class costs £3 again to attend.

Saturday – 11.15 is CrossFit Kids and Girls WOD.