
WOD Thursday 20th June 2013

By |2013-06-19T22:38:52+01:00June 19th, 2013|Events, Team Linda|

A: 30 GTOH 60/40kg Complete 6 bar jump burpees after every 6 reps - finish with 6 bar jump burpees. Feet should be firmly together during the burpees and the jumps over the bar should be two footed. B: 3-3-3-3-3 Front squats Female athletes should complete section A prior to the squats while the Males do the opposite. Tonight Jonny Kilpatrick of Physio Effect will be running a mobility session in place of the 19.15 WOD. We will be closed this Friday in order to maintain our equipment and facility in order to keep it running as one of the UK's premium CrossFit boxes. Team Linda As a thank you for your patience during the routine maintenance of our kit and facility, CrossFit Glasgow will be running a version of the Hybrid Athletics 'Team Linda' competition on Sunday. Organise yourselves into teams of 3 and prepare for a rough one. Linda (AKA the 3 Bars of Death) 10-1 Bench Press (100% BW) Clean (75%BW) Deadlift (150%BW) Teams will weigh in at 9am. We will total the combined weight of the 3 team members and then average them.  The barbells will be set according to the average weight.  For example…Athlete A is 78kg.  Athlete B is 82kg.  Athlete C is 87kg.  The bars will be set up at the team’s average weight…83kg.  Squat Clean will be 62kg, Bench will be 83kg, Deadlift will be 125kg. Athlete A will start at the squat clean station.  Athlete B will start at the Bench [...]

WOD Wednesday 19th June ’13

By |2013-06-18T23:46:14+01:00June 18th, 2013|WOD|

WOD Teams of 3: Block run relay 2 rounds of: 20 wallballs 20 box jumps then Block run relay 100 burpees (max of 5 at a time by each team mate) Please note: Thursday there is a mobility workout at 19.15, this class is designed to teach people how to deal with muscle soreness, range of motion issues and general physical maintenance.  It is taught by a physiotherapist Jonny Kilpatrick and is only £3 per head!  Not to be missed and open to all! Friday we are closed.  If you are able then CrossFit East Kilbride have kindly opened their doors to our members!  Please get in touch ASAP and organise parking, don't just rock up, however they are happy to host you all for your CF fix!  Link here!

WOD Tuesday 18th June ’13

By |2013-06-17T22:48:58+01:00June 17th, 2013|WOD|

WOD A. bench press 3-3-3-3-3 B. tempo back squat 3 sets of 3-5 reps (3s descent, 1s pause, accelerate to standing) Go as heavy as possible whilst maintaining perfect form. Well done to all who attended yesterday's WOD! The 18.15 had 28 people! Fantastic attendance and not to worry, expansion is under way, watch this space. Please remember, there is no 19.15 WOD, weightlifting is on instead, just £3 per head. This Friday we are closed all day to service/clean the facility, this is a one-off and much needed to maintain all our kit for the high level of use it receives.

WOD Monday 17th June ’13

By |2013-06-16T18:46:12+01:00June 16th, 2013|WOD|

WOD Helen 3 rounds for time: block run 21 kb swings 24/16 12 pull ups Today's WOD will run in heats. Scaling is permitted and everyone of all abilities should give it their best shot. This is a fast WOD and is the only thing we are programming, so come in, foam roll, write your name into a heat and we will begin the first heat by half past. We want everyone going as fast as possible on this. Tomorrow will be a strength day so please don't kill yourself with assistance work after Helen! Tuesday - Olympic Lifting is on at 19.15 with Colette Will and Ray Cavanagh. This class is becoming hugely popular and everyone is seeing dramatic gains in their weightlifting form and strength! It costs just £3 per head to learn from the best in Scotland. Lasts an hour. Thursday - Mobility with Jonny Kilpatrick of PhysioEffect. Sessions are again £3 per head and lasts an hour. You will learn how to deal with muscle tightness and develop your flexibility. You will learn how to use some perhaps less familiar kit like foam rollers as well as finding new uses for more familiar kit like barbells. Friday - we are closed! We are taking a day to maintain our kit and facility in order to keep CFG as one of the best gyms in Scotland!

WOD Friday 14th June ’13

By |2013-06-13T20:14:04+01:00June 13th, 2013|WOD|

WOD Yoke carry 10x back squats Saturday 11AM is our girls only WOD led by Steph Dekker, it is free for all female athletes to attend. Friday next week (21st) we will be closed all day to service equipment and clean the space.  We apologise for any inconvenience caused but we hope you appreciate the need to keep all our kit to the highest of standard so you can continue to train in one of the best equipped gym environments in the UK! Next week, look forward to a regular bench/squat day so please make a note of all your successful lifts and try to better that each week. September 21st: Rob Orlando will be hosting a seminar at the gym, this means the gym will be closed and is the first CrossFit seminar Scotland has hosted for a few years now. This is selling out quickly so please visit this link if you wish to sign up.

WOD Thursday 13th June ’13

By |2013-06-12T21:35:49+01:00June 12th, 2013|WOD|

WOD A. bench press 3-3-3-3-3 B. 10 minute AMRAP 5 pull ups / or 3 bar muscle ups 10 press ups 15 squats We have had a fantastic start to the week, the community continues to grow and the evenings are getting busier!  Please keep all your belongings upstairs and away from the gym floor so we can make full use of the space. Tonight, there is no 19.15 WOD, Jonny will host a mobility class instead, it costs just £3 per person and if you have not made it to one yet, make the effort tomorrow.  In these classes you will gain invaluable knowledge about how to look after yourself and prevent injury and improve range of motion for when you exercise. A week on Friday (21st June) the gym will be closed.  We apologise for the inconvenience however we will be using the time to maintain all the kit and better your training experience.  We promise to run something special on the Sunday to make up for it! Lastly a welcome back to Tino and Zielinski, look out for them in the box!

WOD Wednesday 12th June ’13

By |2013-06-12T00:41:11+01:00June 12th, 2013|WOD|

WOD For time but in pairs 5 rounds for time: 20 wall balls 10 box jumps block run 20 kb swings 24/16 10 burpees One starts on wallballs, the other on a block run.  If anyone catches up to the other, they must immediately start a 20 walking lunge punishment and start from 1 again on that round.

WOD Tuesday 11th June ’13

By |2013-06-10T23:10:31+01:00June 10th, 2013|WOD|

WOD A. Front squat 3-3-3-3-3-3 B. 10min AMRAP 3 thrusters 60/40 5 C2B pull ups 10 bar jump burpees CrossFit Strongman seminar with Rob Orlando himself, 21st September, come in and learn how to use all the new kit we have been accumulating.  Link here to sign up, be quick, not many spaces are left! Tuesday 19.15 there will be no WOD, weightlifting will be on instead led by Ray Cavanagh. This class costs just £3 per head. It is a must for anyone who struggles with the clean and jerk or snatch. There is no minimum standard for this class, open to everyone of all ages and abilities! Thursday 19.15 there is no WOD, mobility is on instead with Jonny from Physio Effect. This also costs just £3 per person. If getting depth on the squat, struggle locking out over head or have a niggle or pain, this is the class for you. Come in and learn how to take care of yourself and have a chance to speak to a physio.

WOD Monday 10th June ’13

By |2013-06-09T20:35:13+01:00June 9th, 2013|WOD|

WOD 3min AMRAP 500m row/ski 400m max ground to overhead 3 Rounds, score will be total kilos moved Between each round complete 1 block run and 20TTB. Tuesday 19.15 there will be no WOD, weightlifting will be on instead led by Ray Cavanagh.  This class costs just £3 per head.  It is a must for anyone who struggles with the clean and jerk or snatch.  There is no minimum standard for this class, open to everyone of all ages and abilities! Thursday 19.15 there is no WOD, mobility is on instead with Jonny from Physio Effect.  This also costs just £3 per person.  If getting depth on the squat, struggle locking out over head or have a niggle or pain, this is the class for you.  Come in and learn how to take care of yourself and have a chance to speak to a physio. A big congratulations to CrossFit East Kilbride on their opening!  The CrossFit community in Scotland continues to grow, I can see some friendly competition going up soon! CrossFit Strongman seminar with Rob Orlando himself, 21st September, come in and learn how to use all the new kit we have been accumulating.  Link here to sign up, be quick, not many spaces are left!

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