3 rounds for time:
block run
21 kb swings 24/16
12 pull ups
Today’s WOD will run in heats. Scaling is permitted and everyone of all abilities should give it their best shot. This is a fast WOD and is the only thing we are programming, so come in, foam roll, write your name into a heat and we will begin the first heat by half past. We want everyone going as fast as possible on this. Tomorrow will be a strength day so please don’t kill yourself with assistance work after Helen!

Tuesday – Olympic Lifting is on at 19.15 with Colette Will and Ray Cavanagh. This class is becoming hugely popular and everyone is seeing dramatic gains in their weightlifting form and strength! It costs just £3 per head to learn from the best in Scotland. Lasts an hour.

Thursday – Mobility with Jonny Kilpatrick of PhysioEffect. Sessions are again £3 per head and lasts an hour. You will learn how to deal with muscle tightness and develop your flexibility. You will learn how to use some perhaps less familiar kit like foam rollers as well as finding new uses for more familiar kit like barbells.

Friday – we are closed! We are taking a day to maintain our kit and facility in order to keep CFG as one of the best gyms in Scotland!