A. Front squat 3-3-3-3-3-3
B. 10min AMRAP
3 thrusters 60/40
5 C2B pull ups
10 bar jump burpees

CrossFit Strongman seminar with Rob Orlando himself, 21st September, come in and learn how to use all the new kit we have been accumulating.  Link here to sign up, be quick, not many spaces are left!

Tuesday 19.15 there will be no WOD, weightlifting will be on instead led by Ray Cavanagh. This class costs just £3 per head. It is a must for anyone who struggles with the clean and jerk or snatch. There is no minimum standard for this class, open to everyone of all ages and abilities!

Thursday 19.15 there is no WOD, mobility is on instead with Jonny from Physio Effect. This also costs just £3 per person. If getting depth on the squat, struggle locking out over head or have a niggle or pain, this is the class for you. Come in and learn how to take care of yourself and have a chance to speak to a physio.