A. bench press 3-3-3-3-3

B. 10 minute AMRAP

5 pull ups / or 3 bar muscle ups

10 press ups

15 squats

We have had a fantastic start to the week, the community continues to grow and the evenings are getting busier!  Please keep all your belongings upstairs and away from the gym floor so we can make full use of the space.

Tonight, there is no 19.15 WOD, Jonny will host a mobility class instead, it costs just £3 per person and if you have not made it to one yet, make the effort tomorrow.  In these classes you will gain invaluable knowledge about how to look after yourself and prevent injury and improve range of motion for when you exercise.

A week on Friday (21st June) the gym will be closed.  We apologise for the inconvenience however we will be using the time to maintain all the kit and better your training experience.  We promise to run something special on the Sunday to make up for it!

Lastly a welcome back to Tino and Zielinski, look out for them in the box!