
WOD Wednesday 22nd Feb ’12

By |2012-02-21T19:56:16+00:00February 21st, 2012|CrossFit Games Open 2012, Paleo Spartans, WOD|

Today is day 45, half way for the Palaeo Challenge!  For those on the challenge, make sure you get your photos, tests and measurements completed by the end of the week, if you are not going to be able to do so, for whatever reason, please get in touch with us ASAP.  We also have the CrossFit Games Open starting on Thursday so be sure to register and affiliate with us, we have 50 athletes so far! Tonight at 7.15pm Jonny is taking a mobility class, it's only £3 per person, this is a perfect chance to loosen up in preparation for the Open as well as a great chance to prepare for Fran on Friday (the 3rd and final PS retest). Rich Froning Jnr in Men's Fitness WOD Bleep Test

WOD Tuesday 21st Feb ’12

By |2012-02-20T22:14:40+00:00February 20th, 2012|WOD|

WOD For time: 9-6-3 Squat clean thruster 80/50kg Chest to bar pull ups Note: For those that have them, do muscle ups instead of C2B. Tonight at 8pm, Olympic Lifting, tomorrow is Jonny's mobility class and Thursday is Parkour.  Also this week, the Thursday WOD will be the first event of the 2012 CrossFit Games Open!  Wednesday will be the second paleo retest which will be the bleep and Friday will be the third and final test to mark the midway point (Fran). Next week sees the beginning of the new programming, this will be explained on the website shortly.  Please keep looking on the website and please pass on the information once it's up. Final point.  Use the online booking system to get into classes.

WOD 20th Feb 2011 CrossFit Glasgow

By |2012-02-19T20:25:43+00:00February 19th, 2012|CFG Spartans Weightlifting Club, CrossFit Games Open 2012, Paleo Spartans, WOD|

WOD CrossFit Total 3 Attempts to reach a Single Rep Maximum (1RM) in the following lifts: Strict Press Back Squat Deadlift   This WOD marks the start of the retest phase for the Paleo Spartans. We will have your previous scores to hand when you come down so that you'll know how much you've improved. Get in and give it your all, this is what you've been working for. CrossFit Glasgow has been given the go ahead from SWL to host the 2012 Scottish Weightlifting Open. This is a major event on the British Weightlifting calendar with both Olympic and Commonwealth Games athletes likely to make an appearance. If you wish to compete this year please make sure that you affiliate through the CFG Spartans Weightlifting Club and collect an application form for the competition itself. If you feel that you are not yet up to scratch on your Olympic lifts then make sure you attend this week's coaching session on Tuesday night at 8pm. Jonny's mobility classes continue this week with more structured torture for the inflexible, and the Conditioning for Parkour classes will go ahead as normal on Thursday. These classes are filling up rapidly so get your names up on the board to avoid disappointment. There are now 45 members of the box signed up to the Games Open. If you have not already done so, please get involved as soon as possible since this represents an excellent opportunity to test your mettle against CrossFitters the world [...]

3 Days….

By |2012-02-19T07:45:57+00:00February 19th, 2012|Information, WOD|

The CrossFit Games Open begins on Wednesday with the first workout being released at 5pm Pacific Time. If you haven't done so already, register and take part, it's $10. You all do CrossFit and this is it's only competition where we are all invited to take part, it's the biggest WOD you will ever do! Format for us is going to run like this, due to the time difference the WOD will come out around midnight or later, so it will be the WOD for Thursday. If you are planning on competing, please take Wednesday off or even better, attend Jonny's mobility class on Wednesday night. The latest the scores can be posted are Sunday so we will host a competition day on Saturday or Sunday for a chance to better your score. Every WOD must be judged and you must enter your score so Gavin and I can validate it. So it's important you make it in on the Thursday or Sat/Sun when there are more coaches present to judge you. If you can not make either of those days or want judged on another day then it will be £5 and must be arranged prior to the time. CrossFit Fife are visiting on the 25th so we should have a good competitive atmosphere and the following weekend I hope we will visit their gym. If you have any questions please ask a member of staff.

WOD Friday 17th Feb ’12

By |2012-02-16T22:50:23+00:00February 16th, 2012|WOD|

Black box once again. ''Unknown. Unknowable.'' Girls WOD will be at 11 o'clock this Saturday for all the CFG ladies who want to work on their weaknesses and develop their strengths. 40 Members of the box have signed up to the CrossFit Games open 2012 and there is still plenty of time to get involved. Do it.

WOD Thursday 16th Feb ’12

By |2012-02-15T22:49:11+00:00February 15th, 2012|WOD|

Tonight, Conditioning or Parkour takes place at 7pm. Also next week sees the 1st retest of for the Paleo Challenge as well as the start of the CrossFit Games Open. If you are yet to sign up, get on it and choose CrossFit Glasgow as your affiliate! Girls WOD will take place on Saturday morning at 11am in place of the normal WOD. 10min AMRAP 7 power clean 70/42.5 7 handstand press ups 7 C2B pull ups

WOD Wednesday 15th Feb ’12

By |2012-02-14T22:45:27+00:00February 14th, 2012|WOD|

Tonight 7.15pm, mobility with Jonny, want to perfect that overhead position? This is your chance! For just £3 a time you get an hour with Jonny and the chance to really make improvements to any limited mobility ranges you suffer from. These classes are invaluable, once you learn how to do these movements you can utilise them any time, any where. Tomorrow is Conditioning for Parkour at 7pm. WOD 5sets of 1 -ve pull-up into 1-3 strict pull-ups then Every min for 10mins 1x full snatch 3x overhead squat Post weight/completed rounds to comments

WOD Tuesday 14th Feb ’12

By |2012-02-13T22:38:35+00:00February 13th, 2012|WOD|

Tonight: Olympic Lifting - 8pm. Wednesday: 7.15pm, Mobility, just £3 per person, the WOD runs alongside this class. If you don't have a perfect squat, a bodyweight overhead squat or ring dips then this is the class for you. Thursday: 7pm, Conditioning for Parkour, this class will teach to all the necessary movements and train your co-ordination so you can attend GPC's own classes! Saturday: 11am, Girls WOD, skills for the girls to make them better CrossFitters. Sunday: 11am, team WOD. WOD Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1 then: 15min AMRAP 10 Ring dips 20 Wall balls 30 Walking lunges

Results From The Throwdown

By |2012-02-12T17:50:59+00:00February 12th, 2012|Events, Information|

Well done to all of our athletes who represented us this weekend. You've done the box and yourselves proud. You're probably looking forward to a good rest, but then, the open starts soon... Individuals: Big Red: 7th Place Tino: 22nd Place Fitzi: 29th Place Teams: CrossFit Glasgow: 14th Place

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