In Teams

3x 10 minute AMRAP

200m Row

10x Burpees

15x KBS 24/16

20x Wall Ball Throws 20/14

25x Jumping Lunges (25 Total, alternate legs, fully extend at the hip)

Rest 3 Minutes

You may not overtake the team member in front of you. Each completed station earns the team one point. There are no points awarded for incomplete stations.

Jonny’s mobility class will take place tomorrow evening instead of the 19.15 WOD and will help you to develop a range of techniques that you can utilise to progress your range of motion in your own time as well as giving you a thorough mobility session in its own right. He also has a new range of sweet tees if you are so inclined.

Girls’ WOD will take place on Saturday at 11am. All male athletes should be finished their workout by this time and anyone turning up late will be politely asked to leave. This time is deliberately set aside so that our female athletes, especially the new ones, can work on the skills and lifts that are typically troublesome for them. Please allow them to do so in an organised, comfortable and focussed environment. The gym will be closed immediately after this WOD. Thank you for your assistance with this.