Workout of the Day

A. 1-1-1-1-1 Close Grip Bench

B. 3x 10 Barbell Skull Crushers

C. 3x 15 Bamboo Bar Bench

D. 10 Minute AMRAP

30x Double Unders

15x Air Squats

10/7x Press Ups


Olympic Lifting with Colette will run as normal tonight at 19.30 – this is a great chance to consolidate the snatch technique you have been practicing for the past 3 weeks and to get some exposure to the clean and jerk movements too.

CrossFit Kids is on with the dream team trainers Laura, Cat and Ross at 11.15 – Christmas Jumpers! Meanwhile Girls WOD will be on with the inimitable Jen Berg next door.

Khi’s Flexibility Class will be on at 1000 on Sunday morning and will address issues with limited range in the chest, back and shoulders.

Here is a video for those of you interested in enhancing your mobility. This particular episode of MobilityWOD discusses the ‘partner tricep smash’ and how releasing the tricep can increase range in the overhead position (shoulder flexion). It can also be used to improve the front rack position in cleans and front squats. If you don’t care about the specifics: this will help your arms move good.