Hey Team,

Not too much to report in the update this week other than Glasgow remains in tier 3 for another week.  Please keep up the great work and diligence in wearing facemasks around the gym when not in your station and cleaning your stations after use. 

We are set up to do Murph on Wednesday for the main workout, this will take place in the archway to the left (Arch 2) of the main CrossFit archway (Arch 1).  This will enable us to take a few more members in each class and also access to the bar for those that wish to do pullups for the workout.  It will be a paired event with our time constraint off 45min.

“Murph” has become one of the most famous CrossFit workouts, globally, especially as a tribute on U.S. Memorial Day (the last Monday of May), when the workout is sometimes referred to as “Memorial Day Murph.” The workout, as prescribed (“Rx”), requires a weight vest but allows the athlete to partition the work as needed.  

The workout was named after Navy SEAL Lt. Michael P. Murphy, who was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2005.  After his death, he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honour for his bravery.

The Murph was a favourite workout of Lt. Murphy, although he called it Body Armor, per CrossFit. The story of Lt. Murphy (and the other members of SEAL Team 10) is told in the bookLone Survivor,​ as well as a movie by the same name.

Refer a Friend:

If you know anyone who is interested in joining you at CrossFit Glasgow during our off peak times (08:30 – 16:30 and 19:30 – 20:30), we are doing our Refer a Friend special this month.  If a friend signs up you both will receive £10 off your next payment.  

CFG Team