
WOD Thursday 17th October 2013

By |2013-10-16T22:23:23+01:00October 16th, 2013|WOD|

A. 3 x 3 Push Press B. 3 Rounds Max STOH (55/35kg) - As soon as you break your set, jump up on the rig and complete max TTB Rest 1 Minute   Tonight there is no 19.15 class, Jonny will be taking a mobility class in it’s place.  This class costs just £3 and is open to members and non-members for the same great price. October 30th (next Wednesday) CFG will host a Halloween workout, it will kick off at 18.30 and we aim to finish the night by 20.30.  Please bring your own food and beverages to share with members and be sure to dress up!  The gym will be closed after the lunchtime WODs and doors will open at 18.00. November 2nd we will be having our very own strongman seminar, we know many of you missed the chance to meet RobO and we will be going over what he taught as well as hosting a small competition.  Spaces are extremely limited.  Scoring will be calculated as a percentage of bodyweight and the competition is therefore open to all. For those that have booked a spot please be sure to pay so we can get some sweet prizes!

WOD Wednesday 16th October ’13

By |2013-10-15T23:49:38+01:00October 15th, 2013|WOD|

Workout of the Day A. Death by kettlebell swing (American or scale to Russian if needed) Start at 10 reps and increase by 2 every min B. 4x 2min stations and 1min rest 1. 300/275m row into max wallballs 2. block run into max second plate hold 60/40 3. 17 burpees into max box jumps 30/24 4. 30 sit ups into max pull ups

WOD Tuesday 15th October ’13

By |2013-10-14T20:21:54+01:00October 14th, 2013|WOD|

Workout of the Day A. 3 rounds of: 60s hold on rig (L-sit if a deadhang is too easy) 60s handstand hold B. Jackie For time: 1000m row 50 thrusters (20kg bar) 30 pull ups Tonight there is no 19.15 WOD, Colette and Ray will be taking Olympic Lifting instead.  This class is open to anyone who wishes to attend and costs just £3 per person.  No person is too young, old or inexperienced, it is for people of all levels who simply wish to learn and improve their weightlifting. Thursday there is no 19.15 class, Jonny will be taking a mobility class in it's place.  This class costs just £3 and is open to members and non-members for the same great price. October 30th (week on Wednesday) CFG will host a Halloween workout, it will kick off at 18.30 and we aim to finish the night by 20.30.  Please bring your own food and beverages to share with members and be sure to dress up!  The gym will be closed after the lunchtime WODs and doors will open at 18.00. November 2nd we will be having our very own strongman seminar, we know many of you missed the chance to meet RobO and we will be going over what he taught as well as hosting a small competition.  Spaces are extremely limited.  For those that have booked a spot please be sure to pay so we can get some sweet prizes!

WOD Monday 14th October ’13

By |2013-10-13T21:24:11+01:00October 13th, 2013|WOD|

Workout of the Day A. 5x5 back squat this is part of a 6 week program so pick a weight that you can do but will challenge you. B. 6min AMRAP 8 front rack lunges 60/40 8 SLDL 8 bar jump burpees

WOD Friday 11th October ’13

By |2013-10-10T20:10:47+01:00October 10th, 2013|WOD|

Workout of the Day In pairs 2min AMRAP max log clean and jerk 50/30 -scale to cleans if necessary max wall burpees 40" Swap on 60s and add total reps together. 3 rounds.  Score = lowest scoring round.  After each round do a block run.

WOD Thursday 10th October ’13

By |2013-10-09T21:58:25+01:00October 9th, 2013|WOD|

Workout of the Day A. 3RM OHS B. 3 rounds for time 10 pull ups 10 OHS 50/35 Tonight there is no 19.15 WOD and mobility is on instead.  Just £3 per head. There is a lot of great events coming up at CFG, to keep in the loop make sure you log in t the members page on FaceBook!

WOD Wednesday 9th October ’13

By |2013-10-08T20:58:54+01:00October 8th, 2013|WOD|

Workout of the Day 4 rounds for time 8 burpee box jumps 12 power cleans 40/25 16 ab mat sit ups Start with a block sprint and go on one every 3 mins Thursday 19.15 there is no WOD, mobility is on instead. This weekend is Fundamentals weekend, it will not affect the usual weekend hours and we look forward to introducing new people into our family, if you see someone new in your class next week be sure to introduce yourself and help them feel more at home in CFG! October 30th we will have a Halloween WOD from 18.30-20.30.  Drinks and food will also be provided.  Costume is mandatory!


By |2013-10-08T11:04:39+01:00October 8th, 2013|Information|

Tonight there is no 19.15 WOD and Olympic Lifting is on instead.  It will cost £3 per head and is ran by Colette Will and Ray Cavanagh of WLS.  This class will focus on the snatch and clean and jerk, it is growing in popularity with members and non-members alike due to their coaching skill and the value in developing speed and power from this lifting method.  If you have never been it is well worth a visit. Over the last few weekends it has been incredibly busy at CFG.  We have hosted Rob Orlando and his strongman seminar, we have had the World's Most Powerful Women battle it out and have had Kelly Starrett and Jami Tikkanen over teaching us about movement and mobility.  We had a number of our athletes represent Scotland in the Four Nations CrossFit Competition in Manchester.  Not to mention having Benedikt Magnússon visit the gym! We hope to bring you more seminars and introduce you all to more fantastic coaches and world-class athletes in the near future. CFG are pleased to announce that on Wednesday 30th October we will be having a Halloween WOD for all the members.  There will be no evening WODs on this day and the gym will open from 18.30-20.30.  Costumes are mandatory and food and drink will be provided.  We realise it is not the right date however we know some of you with families may have plans in place already for the 31st.  It was great fun last year [...]

WOD Friday 4th October ’13

By |2013-10-03T20:54:23+01:00October 3rd, 2013|WOD|

Workout of the Day 15min AMRAP Farmer's carry (hug) 120/80 Keg carry 60/35 Medicine Ball Block run Strongwoman Competition this Sat 5th Oct This Sat 5th we have a Strongwoman Competition going down at in the gym. The Under 75kg girls are challenging for the Worlds Title. So expect to see some big lifts and epic performances along with some big and epic people from the Strongwoman world. There is also an Open category and separate competition for the Under 63kg girls. CFG have several girls taking part in what is to be, for most of them, their first ever sporting competition. Our girls are Maggie, Jen, Shona, Beth, Alissa, Sarah, Heather and Linda. They would love your support on the day and entry is free. Come down any time from 11am and cheer them on in true CFG style. The comp is likely to be on until around 5pm. And will culminate in the presenting of the incredible Sword trophies. Actual real swords. Amazing. The gym will have to be closed to normal training and WODs for the whole weekend as on the Sunday we are hosting Kelly Starrett for a Mobility Seminar. If you have never heard of K.Star before then check him out via the internet and his Mobility WOD site.

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