Workout of the Day

A. 3 rounds of:

60s hold on rig (L-sit if a deadhang is too easy)

60s handstand hold

B. Jackie

For time:

1000m row

50 thrusters (20kg bar)

30 pull ups

Tonight there is no 19.15 WOD, Colette and Ray will be taking Olympic Lifting instead.  This class is open to anyone who wishes to attend and costs just £3 per person.  No person is too young, old or inexperienced, it is for people of all levels who simply wish to learn and improve their weightlifting.

Thursday there is no 19.15 class, Jonny will be taking a mobility class in it’s place.  This class costs just £3 and is open to members and non-members for the same great price.

October 30th (week on Wednesday) CFG will host a Halloween workout, it will kick off at 18.30 and we aim to finish the night by 20.30.  Please bring your own food and beverages to share with members and be sure to dress up!  The gym will be closed after the lunchtime WODs and doors will open at 18.00.

November 2nd we will be having our very own strongman seminar, we know many of you missed the chance to meet RobO and we will be going over what he taught as well as hosting a small competition.  Spaces are extremely limited.  For those that have booked a spot please be sure to pay so we can get some sweet prizes!