Workout of the Day

In teams:

2x rounds as max effort sprints conga style

Row 25kcal/20kcal

9/7x Burpees over 48″ box

Ski 12/10kcal

15x Pull Ups

Female winners


Weightlifting is on tonight with Colette Tomorrow at 19.30. Make use of her knowledge now that the Open is underway

Kids is back this Saturday at 11.15 with the usual gang.

Girls WOD will be on at the same time as the Kids WOD with Level 1 Trainer Jen Berg

Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2016 – Team Update

We cannot thank everyone enough for signing up. The turnout has been truly amazing – 216 athletes at the last count. This places us as an unprecedented 3rd place worldwide on strength of numbers. This is CFG’s largest ever team; beating last year’s numbers by 3. The HQ media staff were amazed by the great sense of community that you guys shared and kept telling me what a great place we have. If you get some time, go have a chat with David and let him record your thoughts for posterity.

The massive turnout from the members of CFG has made us a prominent force in European CrossFit and now, on the main stage in front of the world. This year, since we are now the largest team in Europe for the fourth year in a row Reebok have said that they will make us exclusive, limited edition, can’t get them anywhere, CFG tee shirts. Art work will be with you soon for your vote and we will get them out to you ASAP.

We owe you a huge debt of gratitude. Our heartfelt thanks go out to you all for putting us here.
