Workout of the Day

5 rounds of 3min AMRAP

block run

15 box jump overs

max kb swings 24/16

Rest 1min

Thursday: mobility is on instead of the 19.15 WOD.  This class is ran by our resident physio Jonny Kilpatrick of Physio Effect.  If you have never attended this class before, make an effort now, it will teach you how to identify and deal with soft tissue issues and keep you progressing in the gym.

Christmas tickets are on sale, come in and buy yours now, it will be a good night out with lots of drinks and prizes to be won!

This is the first week since our last intake of Fundamentals for 2013, if you see anyone new please introduce yourself and offer some support, they worked hard last weekend!

CrossFit Glasgow will be selling some Christmas gifts, get in touch with either Iain or Gavin for more details.