Workout of the Day

In teams of 3

A. 10mins to each find your 1RM push press.  Score = team kg.

B. For time: 1500m row (500m each)

C. 10min AMRAP


light thruster

heavy kbs

games press ups


There is a new 10.15 class today!  Next week the same class will be made available on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  This is a trial period only.  If it is not popular it will be dropped.

August 30th – Strongman seminar with Rob Orlando.  This is a day long event (9-4) that involves a lot of lifting and a lot of learning.  You will be shown, be taught and will experience using strongman equipment in a fun and supportive atmosphere.  This class is for people of all abilities and all ages.  Don’t be fooled by the title, it is not just for the men, we have weights and tyres of all sizes to suit people of all ability levels.  Link here

August 30th – SFN Expo at the SECC.  This fitness event has a CrossFit competition on during the day organised by Gavin, it will involve teams from CFG, CFEK, MTS, Basix (CF Scotland), Fife and FFD.  There will be 2x AM events and 2x PM events, it will run from around 09.30-17.00.  Spectators are welcome and tickets are on the website and probably on the door too.

September 20th + 21st – CrossFit Glasgow will be hosting another CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Seminar.  If you know anyone that wants to get qualified have them look here

Saturday – 11.00 – CrossFit Kids.  This will be aimed at children from 7 years of age.

Saturday – 11.15 – Girls only WOD