Well done to all those who attended yesterday, some big weight was shifted!  Tuesday night, as always, is Olympic Lifting night in CrossFit Glasgow with Ray, Haris and Colette.  This class is open to members and non-members alike and costs just £6 per person.  Come in and develop your technique for movements such as the clean/power clean, snatch/power snatch and split jerk as well as back and front squat.

Wednesday 6.15pm will be Jonny’s mobility class.

Thursday 7.15pm kettlebells.

Sunday 11am team WOD.

I heard this CrossFit thing involved ‘constantly varied, functional movement’ so if you haven’t tried one or more of these classes yet… why!?  Get your name on the board (beside the WOD board) and make it in.

If you are in during WOD time, do the WOD.


“The Chief”
Max Rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Pushups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute between rounds for a total of 5 Rounds.

Post Number of Rounds Completed to Comments