Workout of the day

Block run
21 kb swings
12 pull-ups

Tonight– there is no 19.15 class. Olympic weightlifting will take it’s place. Taught by Colette and Ray this class brings an expert eye to help you optimise the snatch and clean and jerk. With a supportive and friendly atmosphere this class will run for an hour and does not require you to be a member of CrossFit Glasgow. Cost £3 per person.

Thursday– 19.15 will be a mobility class ran by Jonny Kilpatrick of Physio Effect. You will be shown ways to effectively manage your muscle tightness and is not exclusive to members of CFG. Cost £3 per person.

Thursday– athletes and coaches will be leaving CrossFit Glasgow and heading to Copenhagen. Steph Dekker has made it to Regionals for a second year running and is looking to improve on her placing last year. Gavin will be working as a judge at the event. To follow all the action it will be streamed live on the CrossFit Games website.

Steph has also made it to the final combine in Vegas. After travelling to Boston and Denmark she needs our support to help her make it.  Please visit this site and donate to help her achieve her dream!