Workout of the Day

A. 8×3 push jerk

B. 3×10 push press

C. 3×15 bradley press

D. 8min alternating emom:

max abmat situps

max banded face pulls

Thursday – Khi will run a class dedicated to stretching, mobility and improving your flexibility.  This will run from 18.15-19.15 and is the perfect opportunity to develop your range of motion and some active recovery before 15.3.  Khi’s background is 20 years of martial arts training, Chi Kung and Chinese yoga.

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday – Olympic weightlifting classes will run at 19.15, 19.15 and 10.00 respectively.  These classes cost £3 and you do not need to be a member of the gym to attend.  There will be no WOD on Tuesday but there are regular WODs and Open gym on Thursday and Saturday.

15.3 will be the WOD on Friday.