Workout of the Day

A. 12min emom 1 power clean – work up in weight.  People new to the movement perform 2-3 power/hang power cleans.

B. Grace

If you wish to attend our Christmas party (and why wouldn’t you?!) then tickets must be bought by Monday at the latest.  We are paying per head and we need to know exactly how many intend on coming.  Last year this was an amazing night out and is sure to repeat itself again.  The event is on Saturday 13th December and starts at 19:30.  Tickets cost just £15.  There will be a raffle, prizes include an unlimited month’s free membership, 1.75L of vodka, 2 pairs of custom nanos, 2 pure pharma Pure3 packs, bags, PT sessions and a lot more!

Isla begging for Nisha's gainz

Isla begging for Nisha’s gainz