Workout of the Day

In teams:

20 minute AMRAP

8x Yoke Carries 180/120kg

Max 12′ rope climbs

Teams split into 2 subteams with one subteam completing as many 12′ rope climbs in the time it takes the other subteam to complete 8 yoke carries. Score the total number of climbs and the total load (number of carries multiplied by weight).

All of our very best to Mitch Mcculloch who will be tying the knot over the festive period. Congratulations buddy!



Kids, Weightlifting and Girls WOD will all be off this week due to the Christmas party. Flexibility is back with Khi on Sunday at 10:00.

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Christmas Night Out

The CFG Christmas Night Out will be held at Blackfriars on the 16th December. The gym will close a little early (nobody will be there obvy) and we will convene for merriment at around 20.00. Tickets have been made and are now available for purchase.