Workout of the Day

1RM clean and jerk

If you have not bought yours yet, tickets are available for the Christmas night out at One up at the office, they are £15 each and the ticket will buy you a drink enter you into a raffle for some prizes and go towards paying for the venue and food.  Start time is 19.30 and it is on till late on Friday 20th December.  All are welcome, drinking is encouraged and you may even see Gavin and Iain in something other than shorts!

Tuesday night – 19.15 – there is no WOD, Olympic lifting will be on instead.

Thursday night – 19.15 – there is no WOD, mobility will be on instead.

Both of these classes cost just £3 to attend and can be paid in cash to either Ray/Colette (Oly) or Jonny (mobility) on the night.  You do not need to be a member and they are for people of all abilities.  Come along and learn.

Saturday – 11.00 – is Girls WOD, this class will be taken by our member of staff and Regionals competitor Steph Dekker.  It is free for all (female) members.

Less than 3 weeks of the Paleo Challenge remain, keep it up, the end is in sight!

A big Rogue order is slowly but surely making it’s way to CFG.  Arch 2 will be open for 2014!