Workout of the Day

A. 1RM front squat

B. 3x 10 lateral lunges per leg with kb, super set with 25 russian swings

C. every 3mins for 4 rounds:

block run

max wallballs

Extra credit: 100 banded leg curls and 4mins each side on the couch stretch.

With each Monday and Friday you are working up to your maximum effort for the day.  We are not looking for a lifetime best.  Focus your efforts and attention on the accessory work and the WOD.

There are no more Christmas tickets for sale.  If you failed to collect one please speak with Laura ASAP.  You can email her at

There are no more tee shirt orders being taken.  The next tee shirts we will start collecting payment for are the CrossFit Kids Glasgow design.

Tuesday – 19.15 there is weightlifting in place of the WOD.  This class is led by Colette Will and costs just £3 to attend.  You do not need to be a member of CFG to attend and benefit from these classes.

Thursday – 19.15 there is weightlifting and the WOD going on at the same time.

Saturday 11.15 – CrossFit Kids and Girls WOD will be running.  Please have your open gym workouts completed before this time.

Over the weekend we had 3 teams compete in the FFD Throwdown, the first Scottish competition, all of our athletes performed admirably and the competition was tough.  CFG took 2nd, 4th and 5th which is a fantastic result!  Coupled with the incredible achievements of our female athletes in The Athlete Games it has been an eventful November!

November 2014 PR board

November 2014 PR board