Workout of the Day

A. Pull-up progressions

B. 2 sets of max rep chest to bar (kipping/butterfly allowed)

C. For time:

15kcal row

20 box jumps

25 k2e

30 wallballs

block run

Rest 2mins



This week we will be looking to introduce a new class at 10.15 AM on Wednesday only.  If this class is popular we will run it on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the following week.

Tuesday night is Olympic lifting, this class will run in place of the 19.15 class and costs just £3 to be taught by Colette Will.

Soon CFG will be hosting a Strongman Seminar.  This event is one of the best CrossFit has to offer and we are very lucky to have Rob Orlando himself in attendance.  This seminar is not just for coaches, it will teach you how to perform a variety of strongman lifts, how to program it and also how to enjoy it with your regular CrossFit training.