
Self-induced ‘Flow’ for Performance and Competition.

As the CrossFit competition season gets under way we are all seeking ways to improve the quality of our training, be it mastering the new, refining the old and getting stronger & faster.  No matter what exercise, WOD or lift we do sometimes things just go wrong for no apparent reason.  Or do they?


“a state of concentration or complete absorption with the activity at hand and the situation”.

-Csikszentmihalyi, 1990

Why: Attend?

Imagine you are able to breakdown, analyse and replicate what happens on the good days so that you are achieving “Flow” every time using the same techniques as the world class athletic elite.


How: Do I get it?

During this practical 2 hour workshop you will be taught the necessary tools using NLP methodology to discover, practice, implement & embed achieving “Flow” in a way that works specifically for you.

When: Can I get it?

CFG, Saturday 9th February 2013.  11.00.  Max 20 places.  £10