19.15 – there is no WOD on, Olympic lifting is on instead, this class is taught by members of WLS, cost is £3 and you do not need to be a member to attend.

Thursday 19.15 – there is no WOD on, mobility is on instead with our resident physio Jonny Kilpatrick of PhysioEffect.  This class costs £3, you do not need to be a member of CFG to attend.

Saturday 11am – Girls WOD, this class is strictly just for the female members, gents please finish your workout in due time.

Sunday 11am – Team WOD, you don’t need to turn up as a team we will find you some willing companions!

PurePharma has been ordered and will be in the gym by tomorrow.

There are still some spaces left for the Movement Seminar this Saturday and for the Benni Magnusson deadlifting seminar on the 15th of Feb.  Not many spaces so book them quickly!