In the New Year there is going to be a new focus on the programming at CrossFit Glasgow. Strength will still feature on a weekly basis, however due to the CrossFit Open coming up in February we will look at our technical capabilities and overall proficiency at metcons. This means that you should expect to see a lot of gymnastic movements and interval training.

2011 has been a great start for CFG and I can’t believe that we are almost at capacity so soon, however January is bound to bring in some new faces and help develop the CrossFit community in Glasgow.  If you have any friends or family who are thinking of joining then please ask them to get in touch sooner rather than later as they may have missed their chance.  We are particularly looking for members for morning and lunchtime classes (and possibly late evenings 19.15).

If you have any events or functions that you would like us to be a part of then again, get in touch. There is a lot of talk on facebook of the Tough Mudder and  Spartan Race events, it would be great to put in a team!


With the shift in programming it is important for you all to listen to your body.  It is likely that you haven’t been exercising or maintaining your diet quite so well these past few weeks and with the shift to a lighter/faster pace it is likely to be a shock to the system. Please note that although I am programming 7 days a week, the programming is NOT designed to be followed every day.  Everyone needs rest and it’s important you don’t hinder your progression through trivial expectations or rules you have placed on yourself.

A common example would be those that train weekdays, if you are in bits by Wednesday don’t drag yourself in and WOD on Thursday – take a rest, let your body mend itself and give it a chance to adapt to the training.  If you want to come in and foam roll, stretch and still be part of the community then by all means, stop by.  But please listen to your body and allow it to recover, if you can’t reach a high intensity whilst training because you are too sore, tired or feeling suboptimal -thanks Al- then you will gain little from the exercise.  In fact I may argue you have have lost a little something, part of your soul perhaps.

Rest Day Required

The CrossFit Glasgow 90 Day Paleo Challenge begins in on January 9th!  The Seminar for all of those interested takes place on Saturday 7th at 12:30, this will outline what the challenge entails, how it will operate, provide details on access to our other website Paleo Spartan, explain some of the science behind the diet and give you a chance to ask questions.  After the seminar there should be plenty of time to organise and go out and shop for the week ahead to be Paleo-ready on Monday 9th. Information on what you get for your money can be found on the Paleo Spartan website.

For all of those wishing to take part in the challenge please notify us by EMAIL – Subject: Paleo Challenge –  so we can make sure that we don’t miss anyone out.  If you are unsure about partaking then please contact us, this is looking to be our busiest challenge which in turn creates a lot of support (and pressure) to stay strict, enabling you to get the most from the diet.  If  you just wish to attend the seminar and not follow through with the challenge then it will only cost £15.  Taking part would best prepare you for the CrossFit Open beginning on Feb 25th!

Expect to see a few new things for the gym, Concept 2 rowers are planned for January, PurePharma will arrive for the Paleo Challenge and more tape, wraps, hand guards and hoodies and t-shirts are in the pipeline.  We want to invest in the business so if you feel anything is missing or lacking please let us know.

We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year, doors open 3rd Jan, so make sure you book in for classes using our online booking system and your membership is paid up to date.

Happy New Year!