There has been a lot of progress at CrossFit Glasgow since our last update on Sunday. The flooring arrived on Monday, the wall ball/hspu wall went up on Tuesday (and came down again and was rebuilt on Thursday, but it’s best not to mention that in front of Gavin), wood for boxes arrived and the steel was sent off to the welder on Wednesday, and the Rogue gear finally arrived on Thursday. It fell off the back of a truck. Literally.

We’ve been painting the walls, glossing the skirting and doors and cleaning furiously in hope of reaching our goal of opening on Monday 5 September. A huge thanks to all who have helped, whether it was painting, sawing, hoovering, driving a van or just popping by to say hello, your support is greatly appreciated.

Apologies that we did not put the membership prices up on the website or activate the MINDBODY class booking system yesterday as promised, but we were too busy unpacking our new toys, hammering nails into boxes and getting high on gloss paint fumes. We aim to get this up and running by Saturday.

As mentioned above, if all goes to plan we aim to be open on Monday and will offer a week of free membership, so please do come in and visit and get a feel of the place. We do hope you like it!

Flooring arriving

Box building

Karen, anyone?

Kit, yay!

For more photographs please visit our Flickr page.