On January the 9th the second round of the Paleo Challenge will take place at CrossFit Glasgow.  Already a lot of interest has been shown so in order to make the whole thing run as smoothly as possible here is some information on what the challenge entails.

The challenge begins with a 1 hour seminar which explains what it is, how it works and some of the science behind the diet.  Everyone is also required to do 3 physical tests (Fran, CrossFit Total, Bleep Test) as well as get a series of baseline measurements.  The data will be your own and only with your express permission will we share it online to promote future challenges.  We also offer photos as well.  These physical tests and measurements are revisted on day 45 and day 90 to track progress.

Upon sign-up you will also get access to our site Paleospartan.com which has weekly menu plans, shopping lists, recipes and guidelines.  The challenge is more than just a diet – we take sleep, training and supplementation into consideration as well.  Nothing is left to chance and we take every person’s individual circumstances into consideration.  The diet is not designed just for weight loss, it is geared at improving athletic performance, reducing stress, improving sleep patterns and educating people to a happier, healthier lifestyle.  We will also host a number of social events just for the Paleo Spartans and upon completion you will receive a sweet t-shirt and bragging rights to your mates and other members.

The cost of the challenge is £120 (£1.50 a day) and is discounted for people who are looking to repeat the challenge.

We hope you all take up the challenge and begin the New Year with the goal of becoming a leaner, stronger and faster athlete!