
WOD Thursday 14th February ’13

By |2013-02-13T19:17:17+00:00February 13th, 2013|WOD|

WOD 4min AMRAP 3 thrusters 60/40 5 power cleans 60/40 7 burpees (jump over the bar each time) Rest 1 min Complete 5 rounds.  Pick up where you left off on the previous round.  Post total rounds to comments. Tonight there is no 19.15 class, mobility is on instead.  Just £3 per head and the Open arriving soon, this class should not be missed.  Make an effort and get along.

WOD Tuesday 12th February ’13

By |2013-02-11T22:47:37+00:00February 11th, 2013|WOD|

WOD For time: 5 Clean/Hang clean/Jerk 10 TTB 4 Clean/Hang clean/Jerk 8 TTB 3 Clean/Hang clean/Jerk 6 TTB 2 Clean/Hang clean/Jerk 4 TTB 1 Clean/Hang clean/Jerk 2 TTB Clean/Hang clean/Jerk weight @ 60% 1RM clean and jerk. Guys we are only just maintaining our lead as world number 1 for most gym members signed up to the CrossFit Games Open.  It costs just £12.20 to sign up and it would mean a lot to us if you could sign up and help us cement that top spot in Europe and place as high as possible in the world!  Click the link here to sign up or see a coach in the gym for help.

WOD Monday 11th February ’12

By |2013-02-10T18:42:47+00:00February 10th, 2013|WOD|

WOD 3x 5 back squat 3x 5 strict press 1x 5 deadlift We are coming into week 6 of the strength progression and many are beginning to falter.  If you failed to complete all 3 sets of squats or press at a weight then repeat with the same weight this week.  Only once you manage 3 sets of 5 reps with good depth/form do you move up in weight.  Remember, a 1kg increase is a legitimate increment in competition so don't jump up by massive amounts each week. Tuesday night 19.15 there is weightlifting with Ray Cavanagh instead of a WOD. Thursday night 19.15 there is mobility with Jonny Kilpatrick instead of a WOD. Please avoid parking in front of 24 hour access arches. If you haven't already, click this link here and sign up!

WOD Friday 8th February ’13

By |2013-02-07T20:40:36+00:00February 7th, 2013|WOD|

WOD A. Hang snatch tech / work up to 1RM. B. With weight of A. 3 rounds for time: 21 squats 14 C2B pull ups 7 wall climbs This saturday, 11am is a Flow workshop with Kenny Wallace.  This costs just £10 per head and lasts for 2 hours.  Anyone interested in signing up, there are only 5 spaces left so please be quick.  If you don't have a clue what I'm talking about click this link

WOD Thursday 7th February ’13

By |2013-02-06T19:51:04+00:00February 6th, 2013|WOD|

WOD A. spend 20mins establishing a 1RM front squat. B. Using 60% of A. 4x 2min AMRAP Row 350/300m Max front squats Rest between sets.  Go hard on the row. Can everyone please remember to avoid parking in front of 24 access railway arches. Tonight there is no 19.15 class, mobility is on instead.  This class if available to everyone and costs just £3 per person.  We will be looking at the mobility required for overhead squatting and the snatch. Saturday there is a FLOW class starting at 11.  It will be pitched towards anyone who is interested in getting more out of their performances in the gym or in their sport.  It costs just £10 per person and lasts 2 hours.

WOD Wednesday 6th February ’13

By |2013-02-05T22:33:24+00:00February 5th, 2013|WOD|

WOD Black Box -come in and find out! Well done to all those who took part in the Fundamentals yesterday, watch out regular members, some beasts are coming through! This Thursday there is no 19.15 class. Instead it's mobility. We will be addressing the issues people have with a good overhead position in the snatch and overhead squat as well as touching on the hips in the bottom of the squat. It costs just £3 per head. This Saturday 11am there is a 2 hour workshop geared towards improved competitive performance and training mindset. This workshop costs just £10 per person and is a one off. Please book up fast as spaces are very limited. This should not be missed and is applicable to all who want to get more of their training in CFG.

WOD Tuesday 5th February ’13

By |2013-02-04T22:16:51+00:00February 4th, 2013|WOD|

WOD Black Box -come in and find out! Tonight - there is no 19.15 class, instead it is weightlifting with Ray Cavanagh, just £3 per head, there is limited time to work on these lifts before the Open so get in and get involved. Thursday night there is no 19.15 class instead it is mobility with Jonny, again just £3 per head. Saturday there is no 11am girls WOD, instead there is a 2 hours seminar on competitive mindset and FLOW.  Just £10 per head this is a one-off workshop and should not be missed.  Spaces are very limited, tell a coach asap to book your spot, FaceBook and comments is not enough, come in and pay/secure your spot.

Monday 4th February ’13

By |2013-02-03T18:13:24+00:00February 3rd, 2013|WOD|

WOD 3x5 back squat 3x5 strict press 1x5 deadlift We are on to week 5 of the program, keep pushing those weights up, remember just 1kg increase on last week is legit. If any of you fail, see Iain or Gavin and let them know and we will advise you on what to do next week. There is no assistance work today as the WOD is taking more and more time as people get stronger. If you finish early please work on a skill. Pull ups, double unders, ring dips, handstands etc for the Open. Speaking of which! If you have not yet signed up to the CrossFit Games Open and are reading this post then you have the time to click this link here and get registered! Don't think we won't hassle you! Tuesday night, Olympic lifting with Ray Cavanagh is on at 19.15 instead of the regular class. Thursday night, mobility with Jonny Kilpatrick is on at 19.15 instead of the regular class. Both are vital to improving performance with the CrossFit Open coming up and costs just £3 for members. Non-members are welcome to attend.   This Saturday, 11am, there is a 2 hours workshop on Self-induced ‘Flow’ for Performance and Competition. Spaces are limited and are going fast. Please come in and book in soon. Cost is just £10 per person. More info here  

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