
WOD Wednesday 9th May ’12

By |2012-05-08T22:25:20+01:00May 8th, 2012|WOD|

A week today Jonny's Mobility WOD will be back. Class will run at 18.15 and last an hour, classes cost just £3 per member and £6 for non-members. All are welcome to attend. This class is definitely worth a few visits, focussing an hour on something we are all guilty of avoiding will go a long way to preventing injury and improving performance. It also arms you with the knowledge to do the work yourself in your own time. Thursday night is kettlebells with Rodger, this class will focus on skills work and have a workout at the end. Do your best to make it along as these skills will be coming up in the regular programming soon and you will be all the better for having practised these skills beforehand. Satuday, girls WOD on at 11am. Sunday team WOD at 11am. If you are planning on doing these, get you name on the board. As it stands nobody is down for either, so a day off for Gavin and Iain!? WOD In 5 attempts establish your heaviest power clean then 3 rounds for time Run 10x G2O 70/47.5 Rest 2mins

WOD Tuesday 8th May ’12

By |2012-05-07T21:14:34+01:00May 7th, 2012|WOD|

CrossFit Glasgow is back to regular operating hours today and for the rest of the week. We have a few speciality classes, Olympic Lifting tonight 8pm, Kettlebell class Thursday 7.15pm, Girls WOD Saturday 11am, Team WOD Sunday 11am. If you want to attend any of these please put your name on the board so we know how many to expect to each class. For those still completing the Fundamentals, keep up the good work! Let us know as early as possible if you need to cancel a session and be sure to turn up a little early to get changed and ready for the class. WOD 5 sets 3RM Front Squat. Work at a weight across the board, so if your 3rm is 125, do 5 sets at this weight. then for time: 30-25-20-15-10 sit-ups pistols

WOD Mon 7th May ’12

By |2012-05-06T22:37:44+01:00May 6th, 2012|WOD|

Today is a half day, WODs are running at 9, 10 and 11am. Tomorrow will be back to normal hours. Tuesday night, Olympic Lifting will be at 8pm.  The class is just £6 for members and is taught by Ray, Haris and Colette of Gladiator Weightlifting Club.  This class will focus on developing your technique, speed and power in the snatch and clean and jerk. Thursday night, 7.15pm will be Rodger's second kettlebell class, he will be teaching the turkish get-up, a skill worth learning as it may be coming up again in programming soon *hint hint. Saturday - Girls WOD at 11am Sunday - Team WOD at 11am. Please leave your name on the board if you are planning on attending any of these classes, the spaces are limited.  Also be sure to be in on time for WODs and if you are in the gym during WOD time, you do the WOD! WOD Inspired by the Regionals, here is the first WOD Diane 21-15-9 reps for time: Deadlift 102.5/70kg Handstand press ups

WOD Sat 5th May ’12

By |2012-05-04T20:54:58+01:00May 4th, 2012|WOD|

Well done to the morning Fundamental athletes that survived the sprints as part of yesterday's warm-up!  Has been another tough week and it's time to sit back and watch the Regionals.  Mid-Atlantic, South West, Africa and Asia will all be competing.  Link here.  Things to note for next week: Monday - We are open weekend hours, WODs at 9, 10 and 11 am. Tuesday - Olympic Lifting with Ray, Haris and Colette 8pm. Thursday - Kettlebells with Rodger at 7.15pm. Saturday - Girls WOD at 11am. Sunday - Team WOD at 11am. WOD Isabel 30 snatches for time 60/40kg

WOD Fri 4th May ’12

By |2012-05-03T22:17:01+01:00May 3rd, 2012|WOD|

This weekend we will be having a Girls WOD on Saturday at 11am, Sunday is Team WOD which begins at 11am so be in early/on time. Next week: Monday is a half day (WODs at 9,10,11). Olympic Lifting on Tuesday at 8pm and Rodger is taking another kettlebell class on Thursday at 19.15.  Make sure you don't miss this class as he will be covering a lot of technique including the turkish get-up which may be making an appearance in the programming! Please make sure you are in on time for the WODS and remember if you are in the gym during WOD time, you are doing the WOD.  To those looking to join or are currently working through the Fundamentals, please let us know as early as possible if you can't make it in to a class. WOD 10 min AMRAP 5 pull ups 10 press ups 20 OH walking lunges 20/15

WOD Thu 3rd May ’12

By |2012-05-02T20:56:05+01:00May 2nd, 2012|WOD|

WOD Every 30s for 5mins do: 1 hang snatch (squat) and 1-3 overhead squats. then For time: 1x block run 15x burpee box jumps 24"/20" 15x wallballs 20/14lbs 2x block run 30x burpee box jumps 24"/20" 30x wallballs 20/14lbs 3x block run

WOD Wed 2nd May ’12

By |2012-05-01T20:49:36+01:00May 1st, 2012|WOD|

WOD 4 sets of: 3x front squat with pause at bottom to 5x back squat, no pause Use 65%1RM front squat and work up if necessary. then 7 rounds for time 7x power clean 70/47.5kg 7x toes to bar

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