2min stations
A. 30x HRPU then max wallballs 20/14
B. 30x sit ups then max kb swings 32/24
C. 30x calorie row then max burpees

Post total reps from each round to comments

There is no mobility on Thursday night, a 19.15 WOD will run instead.
This weekend, Sunday, there is a parkour conditioning class ran by the coaches of Glasgow Parkour. If handstands, hand balancing, gymnastics and bodyweight movement is a weakness this class should not be missed. Class is free to all and starts at 11am.

Thanks to Laura for sending in this photo, remember, if you have any good photos, from in or out of the box, you can send them in to us so they can be used as sliders on the website by using our free app.  Look up CrossFit Glasgow in Apple app store or android.