A. 7min emom
3-5 L or strict pullups
1-7 TTB

B. 5x 3min AMRAP of:
3 power cleans
6 lateral jumps
9 press ups

2mins rest between AMRAPS

Post total rounds to comments

Well done to all who attended yesterday’s classes.  Olympic Lifting is tough to teach and master but persevere and you will see a marked improvement in your speed and power in the gym and in any other sports you choose to do outside of CrossFit Glasgow.  The quality of the weightlifting is improving all the time so keep up the good work!

Tonight at 19.15 we have mobility with Jonny, this costs just £3 per member and £5 for non-members.  It’s really important we all keep on top of our mobility issues so make it along to this class and learn to how not only avoid injury but also improve performance!

Next week we will be having a yoga class in place of some classes on Thursday and Olympic Lifting will also be returning on a Tuesday night.