Workout of the Day

15min alternating emom

1. 5 heavy power cleans

2. 10 burpee box jumps

3. 15 wallballs

Thursday – Khi will run a class dedicated to stretching, mobility and improving your flexibility.  This will run from 18.15-19.15 and is the perfect opportunity to develop your range of motion and some active recovery before 15.3.  Khi’s background is 20 years of martial arts training, Chi Kung and Chinese yoga.

Thursday – 19.15 there is olympic weightlifting on at 19.15.  There is also a WOD on at this time.  This class costs £3 and you do not need to be a member of the gym to attend.  Class is taught by Colette Will and Louise Mather.

Friday will be 15.3.  Please get your name on the board when you enter the gym and follow the advised warm-up.  If we are short on judges, grab a clipboard and if anyone is struggling, show your support!

Garry McFall : 5km a day

Garry McFall : 5km a day

Garry McFall is doing 5KM a day to help raise funds for Ciaran for his cerebral palsy treatment.  If you want to leave a donation click here