Workout of the Day

A. 60s max strict pull-ups, rest 60s, 60s max double unders, rest 60s. 3 rounds
B. For time:
800m run
then 3 rounds:
5 wall climbs (with push up at the bottom of each rep)
15 chest to bar
then 800m run

Tonight there is weightlifting on at 19.15.  This takes the place of the WOD, it costs just £3 to attend and you do not need to be a member of CFG to attend.  The class is also available on Thursday at the same time and Saturday at 10.00.

Thursday – Khi’s flexibility class will run at 18.15.  There will be no WOD at this time!  The class costs just £4 and will move to the same time on Wednesdays from next week.

Saturday 11.15 – CrossFit Kids and Girls WOD.
