Congrats to Kim and many other members like her on reaching the 6month mark at CFG, you have been an inspiration to many and continue to improve at a staggering rate, keep up the good work!

Olympic Lifting tonight at 8pm.  This class is open to people of all ability levels, non-members and anyone that is interested in developing their skill, speed and power.

Wednesday night 7.15pm is Jonny’s Mobility class : learn how to prevent injury, improve range of motion and improve performance across the board!

Saturday is Girls WOD.

Sunday Team WOD.

And as always…. If you are in during WOD time, do the WOD. Please be on time.  Fundamentals: let us know as early as possible if you can’t attend the class.  Thanks!


A. 10-10 Back Squat

B. Helen
3 Rounds for time
Run 400m
21 KB swings 24/16
12 pull-ups

Post kg lifted and time

Last Helen time here