A. 5 sets of: power clean, hang power clean, squat clean. Work up in weight, focus on technique.
B. 15mins establish a 1RM clean and jerk.
C. 4 rounds for time:
15 wallballs 20/14lbs
15 kettlebell swings 24/16kb
15 box jumps 24/20″
Post clean and jerk and time for C to comments.

The main classes return to CrossFit Glasgow this week and Gavin returns to the gym this evening! We also have the t-shirts in stock, sizes for females range from small to XL and guys from small to large. XL coming soon.  Two designs and they cost £15 a piece.  First come first served, we won’t keep any aside but I will order in the future.

Tonight is the return of Olympic Lifting. 8pm. With Ray, Haris and Colette.
Tomorrow night, mobility with Jonny at 19.15.
Thursday 06.15 and 18.15 the WODs will be replaced with yoga. These classes are completely free and a one-off with Claire Diver. Please take the opportunity to try something new as well as learn how to limber up! Please do not do the WOD before or after the yoga session, this is for your own safety, as KStarr would say ‘don’t be that guy!’
Saturday 11am girls only wod.
Sunday 11am is team WOD.