Workout of the Day

5 rounds for time

5 cleans

7 chest to bar pull-ups

Tonight there is no 19.15 WOD.  A weightlifting class will run in it’s place.  This will be taught by Colette Will and costs just £3 per person.  You do not need to be a member of CFG to attend.  There is no minimum standard for this class and it will focus on improving your technique in the snatch and clean and jerk.

August 30th Rob Orlando will be returning for another Strongman Seminar at CFG!  This day long course is one of our personal favourites as it is not only a ‘hands on’ seminar but it is technique intensive to help you with tackle awkward objects like atlas stones and logs.  Like everything in CrossFit there is no minimum standard to attend this seminar, no matter your experience level (you do not need to be a CF coach) you will take a multitude of training tips and advice away with you.    Please check the right hand bar for payment and details.  This should not be missed!

Something to try after your post WOD shower