A. 15mins to establish a 1RM bench press

B. 3 rounds for time:

block run

10 pull ups (or 10x CTB or 10x bar muscle ups)

This weekend, Saturday, we are hosting an AGM.  With Gavin going away on placement for 3 months, next door being opened and VAT registering, CFG will be spending some time with those interested/concerned explaining the upcoming changes to the business in order to cope.  All are welcome, a time will be posted tomorrow.

Tonight at 19.15 there will be no WOD, instead Ray Cavanagh of Weightlifting Scotland will be teaching weightlifting, this class is open to all and costs just £3 per person.

We would also like to mention the fantastic effort put in by CFG at the Manchester Central Games, well done to Mat, Emma, Rona and Colin.  They completed not only a number of familiar exercises but also an open water swim!  Some photos will follow shortly, we are immensely proud of you!