Workout of the Day

In pairs:

7 Minute AMRAP

7x Hang Power Snatches 40/30kg

Max Wallball Throws 20/14lb

Alternate the athlete executing wall ball throws every time a set of snatches is completed



Reebok CrossFit Games Open 2016

The Reebok CrossFit Games Open Registration goes live in just 2 days. For the next 5 weeks we will be running last year’s Open events as a WOD so that you can compare your skills and capacity to last year or just get a feel for how the main event will be.

Every year around this time everyone who is a member at CFG takes part in this massive competition and it has helped to put us on the map as a prominent force in European CrossFit. This year, Reebok have said if we do four years in a row they will make us exclusive, limited edition, can’t get them anywhere, CFG tee shirts.

Open workout 15.1 will be on this Thursday (the 14th).

Get. Involved.


Weightlifting with Scottish Champion Colette Will is on tonight at 19.30. Master these technical lifts with the champ.

Level 1 Seminar

Due to the Level 1 Trainer’s Certificate course running out of CFG this weekend, there will be no Kids, Girls, Weightlifting or Flexibility classes.