Workout of the Day

A. Cleans 2-2-2-2-1-1-1

B. Back squat 5-5-5

Tonight, 19.15 : mobility with Jonny Kilpatrick.  Class costs just £3 per head and is available to non-members for the same price.

From Monday the 90 day paleo challenge begins!  Use this weekend to prepare and be in the best position possible from day 1.

September 21st we are hosting the Strongman Seminar with Rob Orlando, there are still a few places left, we would love to sell out our first ever seminar so tell anyone you think may be interested in coming along!  Also the evening before, 20th, we will be having a social night with Rob in the gym, expect to WOD as well as enjoy some beverages and food.  This will cost a little bit of money but only to cover the food and drink for hosting the event.

October 5th CrossFit Glasgow will be hosting the U67 and U75 Worlds Strongest Woman competition, mark this date in your calendar, some of our girls are taking part and this even will be free to spectators!

SAM BRIGGS from Granada Reports on Vimeo.