Workout of the Day

A. Power sntach 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1

Today is about working on the mobility and technique to execute the movement safely and efficiently.  It’s not a ‘good lift’ unless it would pass BWLA standards.

If you have never snatched before in your life then that’s great!  Come in and learn!

Tonight – weightlifting is on at 1915.  This class costs £3 and will be taught by Colette Will.  The class lasts an  hour and you do not need to be a member of CFG to attend and learn from the extensive experience and knowledge this amazing person has.

Friday – the CrossFit Games Open 2015 begins!!  It will be the WOD every Friday and it will run during all of the Open gym and Girls WOD over the weekend.  Please make an effort to come and support your fellow athletes.  I personally intend to do the WOD early doors on Friday… this won’t stop me cheering those that do the workout on Saturday or Sunday!  The latest judge date is Monday but we can’t stress enough that you should endeavour to have this completed by the end of Friday.

Finally a special thanks to Todd, Rory and Daff for co-ordinating the Level2 these last few days.  It’s not easy learning new habits and dropping old ones but we continually strive to provide a better service and hope this shows over the coming weeks/months.

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