Workout of the Day

20 rep max back squat

– this has been running for a good number of weeks now (this is the 4th) you should all have a weight to beat.  Remember, just 1kg increase still counts.

After the WOD there will be some assistance work written on the board and a coach will show you the technique

Tonight, there is no 19.15 WOD, mobility is on instead.  Anyone who is interested is welcome along to this class, it costs just £3 and you do not need to be a member of CFG.

The CrossFit Games are under way!  Rich Froning finishes surprisingly far down the leaderboard in event 1 and Sam Briggs is right up the top!  You can follow it all here.

We will be showing some events on Friday evening, more details to follow soon.

September 21st : Strongman Seminar with Rob Orlando.  We have been told that there are literally just a few spaces left so book up fast if you haven’t already!